Lighthouse Girl Saga

Project: Visual Production for live stage show

Client: Theatre 180

“The Lighthouse Girl Saga” is a theatrical piece set against the backdrop of a cinema screen, bringing to life the narrative of Dianne Wolfer’s renowned book series. Theatre 180 engaged our services to craft the visual backdrops that adorned the screen.

Theatre 180, a homegrown production company from Western Australia, has been a frequent collaborator with Sunburnt Films. Our filming adventures took us to Albany, Cowaramup, and Perth, culminating in the creation of over 250 polished assets.

The video snippet showcased here represents just a slice of our collective efforts in this recent artistic venture. It features the closing title sequence from the stage play, which unfurls at the show’s conclusion, marrying the art of visual storytelling with live performance.

In this production, our task was to conjure up the visual backdrops for the stage, a venture that stood out as particularly distinctive for us, as it unfolded over several months.

Outcomes: The production was met with a warm embrace from showgoers at every curtain call, with many coming forward to laud our design and execution.


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