Champ Ori

1 x 2 minute Product promotion video, 1 x 9 minute Product explainer video

Client: Axis Mining Technology (Orica Digital Solutions

Axis Mining Technology delivers driller focussed technology that transforms industry practice and improves the efficiency and financial outcomes for its clients.

AMT were seeking an instructional video for their Champ Ori product and needed us to create 2 versions. One was for English speaking audiences and the other for Spanish speaking viewers. 

As the video had multiple scenes that displayed digital devices during the process, it required us to stage 2 separate shots in many parts of the video. We would film our actor using the English version device, then reset and have them proceed through the same steps again with a Spanish language device.

The final videos were instrumental in helping new clients install the Champ Ori device in multiple regions around the globe.

Axis Mining Technology website: 

#drilling #solutions #minerals #exploration #mining #westernaustralia 


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